
Showing posts from June, 2020

Spicy Herb Avocado Dip | Easy And Healthy Recipes

Bright and refreshing, this Avocado Dip or Chutney is infused with the aromatic scent of cilantro and mint. It’s creamy, spicy, tangy and will incite double-dipping. Accompany with your favourite local seasonal veggies and crackers to create a show-stopping platter. Easy, healthy and done in the blender – in literally 5 minutes! I’m a sucker for anything dipped in chutney, but my all-time favourite is avocado-style – infused with fresh herbs. You’ll find me adding a dollop and slathering this spicy avocado dip on just about anything: eggs, salads, kebabs, vegetables, fish and even smeared on roti. MOUTHWATERING.  What can I say, it must be the desi in me; as a kid, I watched mum make concoctions of chutneys and gosh did we relish them! Why This Is The Best Dipping Sauce – For Just About Anything! I think you’d agree that apart from adding a punch of flavour, dips and chutneys also offer an opportunity to experiment with various herbs and spices – until you discover that hit recipe

3 Reasons to Reach for Sweet Cherries

Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, sweet northwest-grown cherries are a great addition to your diet –and may even play a role in stress relief! This post is sponsored by Northwest Cherry Growers.  Sweet cherries taste like candy and boast a slew of health benefits. From anti-inflammatory properties to potentially enhancing sleep, cherries are a… Read More The post 3 Reasons to Reach for Sweet Cherries appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition.

Chaat Masala Kale Chips (Oven Baked) | Easy And Healthy Ethnic Recipes

Learn how to make kale chips oven baked at home. Enjoy ‘as is,’ or add to salads and soups for crunch and added nutrition. This kale chips recipe is the ultimate Desi~licious snack – making it a perfect easy, and healthy ethnic recipe. Check it out! Kale is well known for being good for us, but people seem to steer away from it, thinking that it’s either boring or tasteless. These kale chips are oven baked , and a great way to get out of the same ‘ole kale smoothie or raw salads routine – time to try something new! Simply add these kale chips to a fresh and vibrant salad like this Chickpea Cucumber and Fresh Herb Salad or just snack on them to satisfy your craving for something crunchy and savoury . They’re low in calories, low carb and scrumptious . Are Kale Chips (Oven Baked) Healthy? Kale is regarded to be a superfood ; it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Not to mention, it’s also high in vitamin K, which has shown to help with wound healing heal and repai

The Best Raw Foods For A Candida Diet

A raw food diet can be an ideal approach for overcoming Candida. This article outlines a selection of foods that you can incorporate into an anti-Candida regime as a holistic approach for healing digestion and immunity. The post The Best Raw Foods For A Candida Diet appeared first on Live Remedy.

Avoiding Nutrient Deficiencies on a Vegan Diet

While nutritional deficiencies are generally not a concern when following a short-term detox program, it is possible to become deficient in key nutrients if you follow a restrictive plan for a while. Learn about a new test specifically designed for vegans. The post Avoiding Nutrient Deficiencies on a Vegan Diet appeared first on Live Remedy.

Sea Vegetables: A Valuable Addition to a Healthy Vegan Diet

Learn about the benefits of sea vegetables – especially for those eating a plant-based diet or following a detox protocol for promoting optimal health. The post Sea Vegetables: A Valuable Addition to a Healthy Vegan Diet appeared first on Live Remedy.

Lacto Fermentation: A Beginner’s Guide | Desi~licious RD

Lacto fermentation is more than a food preservation technique. Consuming fermented foods – rich in probiotics – can help to boost the population of good bacteria in your gut, which creates a protective barrier against germs and viruses. This guide discusses the fermentation method and the best tips to help you ferment vegetables at home. Lacto Fermented foods benefits As a registered dietitian, I’m often asked, “Are fermented foods good for you?” There’s no denying; a lot of interest and excitement exists in this area. Research links the beneficial health effects of fermented foods to the fact they’re a source of good bacteria or probiotics. What’s more, probiotics may improve immunity, and certain strains could even help prevent specific allergy symptoms. Because many of us don’t get enough vegetables in our diet, I’d say, enjoying fermented vegetables is a simple way to integrate them into meals – with all the added benefits of healthy bacteria . It’s important, though, to c

A Strawberry & Hempseed Salad To Celebrate Spring

This salad recipe offers a healthy and nourishing way to usher in the early days of spring. It contains foods that support liver function to gently aid in detoxification and cleansing the body. The post A Strawberry & Hempseed Salad To Celebrate Spring appeared first on Live Remedy.

TCM Medicinal Mushroom Elixirs for Health and Longevity

Medicinal mushrooms are known for their ability to enhance energy and promote longevity. Additionally, they increase your body’s resistance to environmental toxins and stress, which naturally supports its ability to renew and regenerate. The post TCM Medicinal Mushroom Elixirs for Health and Longevity appeared first on Live Remedy.

Is a Vegan Keto Diet Even Possible?

The vegan diet and the keto diet may seem like complete opposites at first. The first one is based primarily on carb-rich plant foods, the latter seems to rely heavily on fat-rich animal products. So, can a vegan keto diet even be possible? The post Is a Vegan Keto Diet Even Possible? appeared first on Live Remedy.

Grilled Vegetables Recipe | Easy and Healthy Recipes

Looking for a Spring or Summer side dish? There’s nothing easier than this grilled vegetables recipe. It’s a quick and easy way to bring out the best flavour in seasonal vegetables. This colourful platter is my go-to when I want to do the least amount of work in the kitchen. Whether you use your BBQ or the oven grill – just watch these veggies vanish from the table! Grab the recipe! I’ve been making this grilled vegetables recipe for decades (literally!). Fair to say, these are the best grilled vegetables-ever! First and foremost is the fact that it’s the simpliest thing since sliced bread; grilled vegetables are ridiculously easy and healthy to pull off: simply wash and prep your favourite seasonal vegetables, add a dash of extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle some seasoning, and you’re in business. We typically grill up a large batch and use them in an array of recipes. And of course, we can’t resist but munch on them ‘as is,’ too! They pack in so much flavour and are a great way to e

Fonio Couscous & Apricot Summer Salad – Gluten Free

Fonio is an ancient grain that is gluten-free and easy to digest. It makes a perfect substitute for traditional couscous for celiacs and those with gluten intolerance. This salad combines fonio with apricots, fresh veggies, and herbs for a perfect light meal for the summertime. The post Fonio Couscous & Apricot Summer Salad – Gluten Free appeared first on Live Remedy.

Peach & Coconut Nice Cream (Or Smoothie Bowl)

A plant-based version of ice cream made by blending frozen peaches into a soft-serve consistency. It satisfies a craving for ice cream but is a super-healthy alternative. The post Peach & Coconut Nice Cream (Or Smoothie Bowl) appeared first on Live Remedy.

The Raw Food Diet Can Change Your Life

Adopting a new way of eating based around raw foods can actually help you to rediscover a new sense of energy and excitement about your life. There is an incredible power to be found in the simple act of doing things differently than the way that you usually do. The post The Raw Food Diet Can Change Your Life appeared first on Live Remedy.

4 Wild Plants To Make Delicious Tea

Herbal teas are a fantastic way to boost the immune system, and there are so many fantastic teas to try. Write yourself a herbal-tea shopping list, and get ready to improve your health! The post 4 Wild Plants To Make Delicious Tea appeared first on Live Remedy.

£8000 Summer Lockdown Transformation Challenge

This summer we are excited to announce our biggest transformation challenge EVER! With a prize pool of £8000, we are on a mission to motivate and inspire you to create a jaw dropping transformation this summer. Flights and foreign holidays may be cancelled due to COVID-19, but the journey you are about to take is the best journey of all – let’s call it TRANSFORM-20! 2020 can actually be the best year of your life. This can be the year that you FINALLY had the time and space to put all your energy into your own health and wellbeing and become the version of you that you know you can be! Working on yourself, improving your health and wellbeing, and becoming the best version of you is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself! There is no better project that you can work on. This time of lockdown and social distancing gives us all the perfect opportunity to put all our energy into our transformation without having to worry about nights out with friends, wedding invite