‘End 2020 Strong’ Challenge Winner, John, shares how he lost seven stone, changed his life and WON £1000

Before starting on the New You Plan, John could hardly walk unaided and suffered from a lot of pain as well as angina attacks and diabetes issues.
Since starting on the diet, he has lost an amazing seven stone and can now walk without a stick, has not suffered from an angina attack and no longer takes diabetes medication or painkillers.
He’s gone from a 54 waist to a 36 and feels like a new man. John was crowned winner of the End 2020 Strong Challenge and won £1,000 in cash! Here’s what he had to say about his journey so far…
How did you hear about the New You Plan?
My brother did it and he won last time! I was in a bit of a state and he gave me the idea of it.
Has the plan changed your life?
Yes definitely. To be honest, I don’t think I was much further from having a heart attack and now I feel like a new person. My mum said to me ‘I think this plan has saved your life’. I was a right old state and I was getting depressed. I was eating rubbish and getting bigger and bigger. I feel like a different person completely. My health has improved too. I’ve had to check in with my doctor every three weeks and he was very pleased with it and how my blood pressure had gone down.
How much have you lost in this challenge and how much in total?
As of today, I’ve lost seven stone so far and 84 lbs though the challenge.
How did you feel before you started the plan?
I wasn’t well at all. I had trouble with my diabetes and angina attacks. I was on a lot of painkillers because I could hardly walk.
What have you found most enjoyable about the plan?
It’s how I feel. I’m walking now without a walking stick and I’m off my diabetes medication. I haven’t had an angina attack since I’ve lost the weight either. I don’t take any painkillers at all now.
Have you struggled with anything?
To be honest, I’m quite stubborn. If I decide to do something I do it, like I didn’t have any snacks, I didn’t have any milk. I just drank green tea and black coffee. I didn’t touch the snacks at all. I wanted to do it properly. I was quite hard on myself. I wouldn’t say I struggled. I was never hungry but the first week was a struggle. I felt a bit lowsy then but after that I was never hungry. I got the odd craving but that’s about it.
What are your favourite products?
The Spicy Noodle Nosh. I also like the peanut bars and the toffee crisp one. They’re all my favourite meal replacement bars.
What size in clothes were you before you started?
I was 54-waist when I started and I’m a 36 now. In my tops I was 5XL and I’m down to XL now.
Have you reached your target weight yet?
No, I want to get to about 12 and a half stone or 13 stone. I’ve got about another 3 and half stone to go.
Why did you decide to take part in the ‘End 2020 Strong’ challenge?
My brother suggested I enter. He said ‘You’re so determined. When you do something, it’s all or nothing’. He used to contact me every week to see how I was doing. We don’t live in the same town so every week he would message me.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt taking part in the challenge?
Watch what you eat and how much weight can affect your health.
What advice would you give to someone starting to New You Plan?
Just be strong with it and power through it. Get yourself mentally strong and once you get to weigh in day, it all comes to light then. You might feel a bit doubtful mid-week but once you get on the scales and see the difference with your clothes, that will boost you up again. And drink plenty. If I felt hungry, I drank more water and it went then because sometimes you’re thirsty and not hungry.
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The post ‘End 2020 Strong’ Challenge Winner, John, shares how he lost seven stone, changed his life and WON £1000 appeared first on The New You Plan.
Original source: https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/end-2020-strong-challenge-winner-john-shares-how-he-lost-seven-stone-changed-his-life-and-won-1000/
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