Spring Transformation Challenge Runner-Up Catherine, shares how she lost 46lbs

After her husband urged her to take part in our Spring Transformation Challenge, Catherine made a commitment on 26th of April 2020 to give it her all.
Fast forward 3 months & she has lost 46lbs, between 4-5 dress sizes & was named RUNNER UP! Here is what she had to say about her amazing success so far…
Catherine, why did you decide to take part in the 2020 Transformation Challenge?
Originally, I wasn’t going to take to part in the challenge. I was too embarrassed to take the photos and post them incase I failed. My husband urged me on to at least take the before photos incase I changed my mind, and I’m so glad I did! Being apart of the challenge allowed me to, be accountable for myself. If I didn’t post the photos then I hadn’t lost anything at all, regardless of any actual weight shed, but I hadn’t gained anything either. So by taking part gave me a sense of, ok, what have I got to loose?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned since taking part in the challenge?
The biggest lesson that I’ve learnt is that, I can. I can loose weight, I can have control, I can do what I want. I’ve spent so many years telling myself I wasn’t good enough, or I was too fat for a task, or I’d definitely fail so what was the point of even trying, that it leached into every aspect of my life, not just around food? Not anymore. I no longer cannot.
How did you discover The New You Plan?
I had attempted a meal replacement diet 13 year ago in the run up to our wedding and whilst I did loose weight on it, it was shockingly expensive, the support system was as much use as a fart in a spacesuit and the meals weren’t great. I wasn’t happy on it so it never stuck but I knew it was a means to loose weight. So when I hit my rock bottom beginning of the year I began looking at meal replacement diets again, I shopped around. Every time I Googled it, The New You Plan would pop up, and I kept coming back to it for almost four month before I took the plunge and made an order.

How has the plan changed your life?
The plan hasn’t just changed my life, it’s completely overhauled my entire family’s lives as well. We’re all healthier for it, including the dog. We spend so so much time outside now, walking, hiking, riding bikes. We’re all fitter and healthier and happier too, we laugh more and enjoy each other’s company. Personally for myself, I sleep better, my anxiety issues have all but disappeared, my PMT is way easier to control. I also have PCOS and have suffered with facial hair for years as well as 12 year of infertility and I’ve already noticed a massive reduction in my hair growth and its thickness so I’m hoping maybe there may be a chance for other miracle yet to come
What was your biggest motivator in staying on track?
I have many motivators, but just being so fed up of being miserable and yoyo dieting and feeling pants all the time is what drives me. When I’m having a rough day, I tell myself well, every day was a rough day before, now it’s not. Don’t allow yourself to be miserable when you don’t have to be.

What’s your biggest non-scale victory?
My biggest non-scale victory is having my Fitbit, which had become so tight I could no longer wear it, not only fit but I was able to close the strap by 3 button holes in! That really gave me a wow, my body HAS shrunk moment, and I still get giddy every time I feel my Fitbit move!
Since losing weight, what is your happiest memory / proudest moment?
My proudest moment is taking the plunge and buying a pair of roller skates, I’d wanted a pair for years and had been way to self conscious to even contemplate doing it. But now I think, why not. Why shouldn’t I? Who’s going to stop me? Not me!
What is the nicest compliment you’ve received since losing weight?
The nicest compliment I’ve received was from my husband. We were talking one day and I was feeling a bit low, so I asked him to tell me what differences he could see in me because I couldn’t that day. And he told me what physical changes he’d noticed, and then he said, but the best change of all is your face. I laughed and said oh yeah I must look great without 3 chins now and he said no, not that… I’m talking about your smile, it’s back, properly and I love it when you smile. It genuinely made my heart swell just a little bit.

What are your favourite New You meals and snacks?
I adore the Chicken Soup – I really could eat it for every meal with lots of freshly cracked black pepper! The Mint Chocolate Shake is my go to pick me up – it’s so refreshing and chocolatey it feels a real treat. And as my extra snack, the Vanilla Wafer. Man I could live on those if it was allowed!
What advice would you offer anyone thinking of starting the plan?
To anyone considering starting the plan, first of all I say don’t doubt. Just try. To succeed, you must be willing to try, try and take it one day at a time. Allow yourself the luxury of time, take it slow and break it down, don’t discourage yourself by rushing. Honour your dreams and wants by giving it the time it deserves.

Catherine did it & you can too!
Join our Summer Lockdown Transformation Challenge with a MASSIVE prize pool of £8000 to be won.
The post Spring Transformation Challenge Runner-Up Catherine, shares how she lost 46lbs appeared first on The New You Plan.
Original source: https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/spring-transformation-challenge-runner-up-catherine-shares-how-she-lost-46lbs/
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