
Showing posts from February, 2021

‘End 2020 Strong’ Challenge Runner-up, Bridget, shares how she lost five dress sizes with New You Plan

Applying for her dream job which required a certain BMI size, Bridget set herself a weight loss goal, started the New You Plan on 24 th  April 2020 and has since lost an amazing five dress sizes.  Bridget has gone from a women’s size 22/20 to a 12 since starting the plan. She was crowned runner-up in the End 2020 Strong Challenge and won £250 in cash and £125 New You credit.  Here’s what she had to say about her motivation and journey so far… What was your motivation to begin and stick to the plan? I applied for my dream job to be a train driver in Ireland. At the time I had applied, I didn’t realise that I needed to be a BMI of 24. You have to be a healthy weight and healthy mind to be a train driver because you are responsible for your passengers. So, in March the penny dropped that I needed to be 24 BMI and I was 33 BMI at that time and my assessments were due in March, but they were postponed due to lockdown.  So, I thought ‘ok, I’m probably not going to get anywhere with thi