
Showing posts from November, 2020

Is Desi Food Unhealthy? Tackling The Biggest Misconceptions About Indian Cuisine (+Recipes!)

Busting desi food myths, redefining healthy-eating and celebrating Indian cuisine. You may recall professor and author Tom Nichols , who was caught into a kerfuffle after deeming all Indian desi food as “terrible”.  Needless to say, Twitter went into a justifiable meltdown. Majority questioned if his determination of a centuries-old, widely-loved cuisine was based on a few underwhelming experiences. Some asked if he considered Indian cuisine to be “unhealthy’, and therefore used a stronger adjective to express his opinion. The latter gave birth to another question: Is Desi cuisine unhealthy?  What Is Healthy Eating? Nutrition is important for everyone. Eating healthy is an excellent way to achieve physical and mental fitness, alongside regular exercise. Consuming a well-balanced diet consists of many nutrients our bodies need to remain active and agile. These include protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and let’s not forget water.  This is the more generic definitio

Is My Thyroid Really “Normal”?

Have ever suspected you have an imbalanced thyroid… …but yet your tests came back well within what’s considered “normal”? This happened to me, and is unfortunately all too common. But is your thyroid really “normal”? I’d actually estimate that about 95% of my clients have undetected thyroid issues. Thyroid issues are incredibly common — about 12% of the US population suffers from some form of thyroid disease according to the American Thyroid Association, with women being six to eight times more likely than men — and important to properly diagnose given the many important roles of the thyroid gland and hormones it produces, from regulating the metabolism to cardiovascular and bone health. Unfortunately, they so often fly under the radar of conventional medicine and standard lab testing. It’s estimated that about 60% of people with thyroid issues go undiagnosed. Common symptoms of thyroid imbalance Even if your lab results come back as “normal” but you experience more than a few o

Sakara Life 5-Day Meal Plan Review & 25% Discount Code

Sakara Life is a wellness company that offers organic, plant-based, gluten-free, ready-to-eat meals delivered nationwide. Read my review of their 5-day Signature Meal Plan to find out more. Original source:

Masala Chai Vegan Waffles + 3 Incredible Topping Ideas | Desi~licious RD

All the best flavours — for any time of the day. Bust out your waffle maker and make these fluffy masala chai vegan waffles! Easy to make, healthy and utterly delicious. Infused with aromatic spices and topped with three sumptuous plant-powered toppings that everyone will love: maple-baked pears, strawberry chia jam and coconut caramel. Crisp-edged with a fluffy interior, they’re ready in no time! This vegan waffle recipe is made with zero added sugar, and the toppings contain no refined sugar.  Let me commence this post by saying that these are the best vegan waffles I’ve ever had. They’re an enamoured reminder of cherished masala chai moments with family.  I decided I need to make more sweet recipes; we need nostalgic treats in our life with everything going on. And so it happened this past weekend, I went on a dessert spree, and what was supposed to be a single recipe of easy vegan waffles turned into four Desi~licious creations. And the response from the Devje crew was so fine t

The Only Vegan Masala Chai Recipe You’ll Ever Need | Easy And Healthy

Masala chai is the quintessential Pakistani/Indian hot brew, made with strong black tea and spices. My homemade version is vegan and a pick-me-up like no other; it’s rich and milky, Desi~licious and contains no added sugar. Piping hot and naturally sweetened with a date, it’s brewed with a spice blend that’s fragrant and not overbearing. Learn how to make this authentic masala chai recipe — it will leave an impression. Masala chai is not a new big thing in Desi (South Asian) homes. Growing up, the whole point of tea time surrounded by a bevy of sweet and savoury Indian snacks — all devoured by relatives — was a daily routine. Fair to say, the family are serious chai drinkers.  But the joy of tea time went beyond the love of masala chai. It was almost sacred . Because despite the frenzy and chaos of day-to-day activities — all pursuits would pause — and we’d flock. Happily, my late grandma, various aunts, uncles and cousins would unite and choose pleasure over productivity . Part