
Showing posts from October, 2020

Vegan Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte (No Added Sugar) | Easy and Healthy Recipes

This vegan iced pumpkin spice latte recipe will become your favourite Fall sip. Made with wholesome ingredients, no added sugar — yet ALL the deliciousness. Naturally sweetened with dates, real pumpkin and vanilla, and topped with whipped coconut cream. It’s an easy and healthy recipe we make on repeat to celebrate Fall. And the best part? It’s done in literally 5 minutes. So we’re well into Fall, friends. This past weekend, in Toronto, I felt the drop in temperature. And, honestly, it felt like the perfect time to dive into my cans of pumpkin puree and happily add to my list of Desi~licious vegan fall recipes. The kiddos continue to be in Summer mode — enjoying nice cream recipes and snacking on frozen fruits. So it was a no-brainer to create a cold brew.  Plus, I was recently gifted with an espresso machine. Oh boy, coffee recipe requests from the fam flew in — including a copycat of the famous Starbucks iced pumpkin spice latte. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I found myself cravi

Crispy Quinoa Patties

Made with parmesan cheese and fresh chives, these easy crispy quinoa patties make a delicious snack or appetizer. This recipe was created as part of my partnership with Pompeiian. Easy, grab and go recipes are perfect for busy weeks. These crispy quinoa patties can be made up to 2 days ahead and will keep in… Read More The post Crispy Quinoa Patties appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition. Original source:

Pros and Cons Of The Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes | Desi~licious RD

Here at Desi~licious RD Inc. I believe that you should have access to the best available evidence to help guide your dietary choices. In light of emerging research and a change to clinical practice guidelines, both in Canada and the US — I have updated this article. You’ve probably heard of the ketogenic diet – or “keto.” It’s been rising in popularity as a means to lose weight and keep blood sugar levels in check. In this comprehensive guide, we address the pros and cons of the ketogenic diet. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one way to keep your blood sugar and insulin levels within a healthy range, especially for those with Type 2 diabetes.  Most dietary guidelines recommend limiting sugary foods and reducing portion sizes of carbohydrate-rich food, like bread and pasta, which also increase your blood sugars. If you have Type 2 Diabetes and are struggling to maintain normal blood sugars, you may find yourself wondering which foods are safe to eat and whether you’ll be able to

Post-birth control recovery essentials

If you recently stopped taking hormonal birth control and are now experiencing acne, mood swings, or digestive issues, and your period seems to come and go with no respect for any sort of schedule whatsoever — possibly for the first time ever — you’re not alone. Not enough practitioners are aware of how to help us through post birth control recovery. The transition off hormonal birth control isn’t always smooth. In fact, it can be downright miserable for some women. I know many women that are afraid to go off birth control for fear of these all to common symptoms. But it doesn’t need to be this way! And no, the solution isn’t to run to the pharmacy and refill your old prescription. (Well, at least not the best solution.) Instead, we want to provide your body with everything it needs to recover quickly and smoothly, and support your body’s own production of hormones again. How does hormonal birth control work? The hormones in the pill work to stop ovulation. This means there’s no

Food Insecurity And Hunger: Reflecting On My Personal Struggles And Their Deep Impact

I was in the middle of my exams, stressed and anxious. The amount of revision left was overwhelming. I stretched on the floor of my tiny room, and subconsciously ventured to the kitchen for a “snack” – partially out of stress, but mostly out of rumbling hunger pangs. However, my “snacking” options were very limited.  I could either treat myself to a boiled egg on toast or baked beans on toast. The trouble was these food items were for dinner later that night, and the next day respectively. If I decided to have one at this odd hour, I’d potentially be starving myself later.  Another incident I vividly remember involves a friend inviting me to a nearby cafĂ© during university. I had no idea where we were headed, and visibly panicked at the sight of an eatery. Masking my shame and stress at the prospect of spending bills and book money on food, I ordered the cheapest item on the menu. But what seems reasonable now was existential to a struggling student from a low-income background. I wa

How to Heal Food Sensitivities from the Roots

Do you struggle with food sensitivities? Quite a few? Maybe they’ve developed seemingly out of the blue over the years? Or are you removing more and more foods in an effort to figure out what’s triggering your digestive issues and symptoms? I hear this all too often — women who are eating only a small, select group of foods because it’s all they seem to tolerate. OR women who have developed a fear of food because they blame their symptoms on what they eat, or they seem to react to almost everything they eat. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Food sensitivities can be overcome and healed, but we need to look to the root causes in order to properly do so. Related: Common Causes of Stomach Bloating + 5 First Steps to Beat the Bloat What is food sensitivity? A food sensitivity is a reaction to food that triggers an immune response. It’s important to know that a food sensitivity is very different from a true food allergy. FOOD SENSITIVITY VS. FOOD ALLERGY Food allergies trigg