
Showing posts from August, 2020

Slow Metabolism? 6 Reasons You’ve Hit A Speed Bump And Proven Ways To Rev It Up | Desi~licious RD

If there’s one thing I hear most about, it would be complaints of a slow metabolism. Is it to blame for weight gain? What affects it? How can I speed it up? Transitioning back-to-routine after quarantine has indeed catapulted the topic into the spotlight. Learn what affects your metabolic rate and how to boost your metabolism, according to science. Slow metabolism symptoms typically hit as we age, though some lifestyle habits and underlying medical conditions can also impact metabolism. Common symptoms include tiredness, unexplained weight gain, and feeling cold. In some cases, slow metabolism symptoms present as “sluggish” digestion.  But before we dive into plausible reasons why your metabolism may have hit a speed bump, let’s cover the basics because, to be honest, “metabolism” gets thrown around a lot. Simply put, metabolism represents all of your body’s biochemical reactions: how you take in nutrients and oxygen and utilize them to fuel and “service” your body. You may be surp

Indian Matchmaking – Netflix’s Divisive Show and Indian Culture’s Harsh Realities | Desi~licious RD

Discussing South Asia’s problematic rishta culture through Sima Taparia from Mumbai. If there is one thing about quarantine that all of us have in common, it’s binge-watching television. Never has there been a better time to plop in front of the TV with a plate full of biryani! And when Sima Taparia from Mumbai in Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking graced our technological screens, the show – depicting Indian culture – its rishta game, hit a little too close to home. The show follows a straightforward concept. Potential brides and grooms-to-be alongside overbearing parents meet Sima Aunty for an ice-breaker discussion. Preferences are conveyed, prospective suitors are perfected on paper, meeting schedules are arranged, and then it’s up to the couple to decide their chemistry and compatibility levels.  In some ways, the producers have tried to direct the narrative away from the typical “big fat Indian wedding” and offered the reins of decision making into the 30 somethings hands. India

Sweet Corn and Basil Salad

This simple sweet corn and basil salad is perfect for summer cookouts or picnics and served as a side dish to barbeque. Made with only 4 ingredients, this summer sweet corn salad can be ready in less than 10 minutes!   Made with fresh sweet corn, fresh lime juice, and garden-fresh basil, this simple salad is… Read More The post Sweet Corn and Basil Salad appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition. Original source:

Melt-In-Your-Mouth Coconut Watermelon Ice Cream To Scoop This Summer

Mmmm, we just can’t get over this creamy, coconutty watermelon ice cream recipe. It’s an easy and healthy recipe, made with only five ingredients (zero added sugar!) and no churning required. Satisfy your craving for a sweet dessert with this irresistible combo of watermelon, coconut and strawberries. Oh, and don’t forget to top your scoops with a generous sprinkle of chopped pistachios. Whip up my Desi~licious vegan ice cream below! What would summer be without ice cream?! A s some of you know, we adore watermelon season. Remember the watermelon slushie I created last summer? Of course, I couldn’t let this year go by without sharing another one of my favourite healthy vegan desserts . Truly, this ice cream is a dream come true; it’s easy to pull off, contains no added sugar – and tastes superb – I promise! Also, with scorching temperatures outside, I have to say; it’s the perfect way to cool down. Not to mention, you’ll save bucks on store-bought ice cream tubs and enjoy a winn

The Best Healthy Chili Recipe You’ll Ever Eat | Desi~licious RD

Cozy up with a warm bowl of this family-friendly healthy chili recipe. Chock full of vegetables and spices, you’ll surely enrich your health with a flood of humble superfoods – and it’s 100% vegan and gluten-free! Perfect as a make-ahead one-pot wonder – that’s also freezer-friendly. I promise it’s finger-licking good. Of all the different kinds of chili recipes that I’ve tasted (and tested!), the ones that stand out are the ones loaded with beautiful veggies. You all know how fond I am of wholesome plant-based foods, and for me, this hearty chili recipe hits the spot. Aside from having an abundance of vegetables (yes, it’s nutrient-dense!), it’s overflowing with deliciousness. Every time I’ve made it over the years, it’s been a hit – with family and friends, who often say, it’s the best chili recipe they’ve ever had. Honestly, I think they get shocked that it’s a vegan chili recipe AND still tastes luscious. The pictures say it all, it’s l oaded with humble superfoods, and the fla

4 Root Causes of Chronic Inflammation

No matter your health and wellness goals, chances are they’re linked to inflammation. Or really, chronic inflammation. Inflammation is a classic case of “too much of a good thing.” Yes, inflammation can be a good thing! It’s a vital part of the body’s natural healing process. But there’s a big difference between acute and chronic inflammation.  Acute inflammation is your body’s natural way of protecting itself when you’re injured or sick. For example, when you get a cut on your finger, the surrounding area will inflame and trigger an immune response: blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow to the area, white blood cells are released to attack foreign invaders like bacteria, and the finger swells to cushion and protect the damaged tissue. After this immune response is complete, anti-inflammatory chemicals move in to bring everything back to normal. But whereas a cut leads to acute inflammation that serves an immediate need and gets turned off when all is complete, chronic inf