
Showing posts from March, 2020

Spicy Peanut Cauliflower Stir-Fry

This spicy-as-you-want-to-make-it cauliflower peanut stir-fry is a hearty vegan dinner recipe. Serve it with rice or quinoa or a complete meal! Made with a spicy peanut sauce, fresh crunchy cauliflower, and bright red bell peppers, this easy vegan recipe is ready in less than 20 minutes from start to finish. How to make cauliflower stir-fry… Read More The post Spicy Peanut Cauliflower Stir-Fry appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition.

Winning at Life – 9 weeks on plan, 3st gone!

Every day of the week this month we have a daily theme in our secret slimmers group on facebook. Today was WINNING WEDNESDAY. I want to share you a post from Terrie about how she is winning right now! Terrie’s Winning Wednesday… Tomorrow marks the end of week 9 for me. I have lost over 3 stone* since I fully committed myself to New You in January. As many know, I have spent over 2 years trying and failing at this … I have said it more than once, this is a head diet. Once your in the right mind set ,  it’s magic!! Each night I land in my bed after a day 100%,  I am winning. I am winning against myself … I can walk up the stairs without getting out of puff. I can wear clothes and feel super in them. I have a whole heap of confidence. I treat people differently because I feel generally better about life … I am LIVING and not existing. I look in the mirror and  I love what I see. I love this, I love me … I love my new life. This is all happening because I invested in ME!

Desi~licious Tofu Chutney Recipe With Dill | Healthy Ethnic Recipes

Dip veggies, pour on salads or enjoy as a sauce, this 5-minute vegan tofu chutney recipe is like nothing you’ve tried before. Healthy, plant-powered and Desi~licious – It’s easy to see why! Who doesn’t love a good chutney? You can put it on  Roasted Brussels Sprouts ,  spread it  on bread or roti,  throw a dollop  on  Pumpkin Bean Burgers  or  add a drizzle  to  Tandoori Cauliflower Tacos.  Endlessly  versatile , it works on  sides ,  salads  and is always reliable (has a dip ever failed you?). Plus, it’s  100% vegan , made with tofu, herbs, spices and lemon. It’s the perfect chutney recipe for hosting, as it will cater to most  people’s dietary requirements. Plus, no one will be able to tell that it contains  zero dairy. It’s absolutely yummy! Is Tofu Good For You Or Bad For You? Made of soybeans, tofu is an excellent  source of plant-based  protein . In fact, it’s considered to be a complete  protein, meaning that it contains  all  the essential amino acids that your body n

The Best Tomato Sauce Recipe Transforms Into 3 Heart Healthy Meals

Want to learn how to make the best tomato sauce at home? My family says it’s easily the yummiest homemade tomato sauce they’ve ever had. A luscious blend of sweet grape tomatoes, simmered in garlic, oregano and black pepper to create a rich and hearty sauce. Quick, easy, and you won’t believe how ONE recipe transforms into three heart healthy meals. Indeed, busy weeknights call for low-effort, nourishing recipes that are insanely delicious! I love tomatoes – all types! I think you’d agree they tickle taste buds across the globe. From Asia to the Americas, people adore tomatoes in all sorts of recipes. Cooked or raw, they’re super versatile and great for roasting, grilling, and the perfect vessel for creations such as tomato sauces, curries, pastes and more. Not to mention, I regularly munch on tomatoes as my go-to snack option. Seriously, how many reasons do you need to enjoy them? These grape tomatoes are the perfect choice to create the best tomato sauce recipe – quick and easy! B

Creativity Boosts Weight Loss

Tonight I went to a floristry workshop with a great friend and made a MiniJohn Terrarium! I have been to about 5 floristry workshops in the last year, and I really love them. I am thinking of going a painting workshop next month. So much of our social life can evolve around food and drink, finding something creative to do for a date night or a night out with a friend is a great way to do something fun with someone. If you find a new hobby in the process, even better, as this will give you something new to spend you time on. Being creative can be very therapeutic, and when you complete your project you get a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. Plus every time I look at my terrarium I will feel happy How does being creative boost weight loss and help with weight maintenance? Doing something you enjoy that does not involve food and drink is key! It keeps your mind busy as you get lost in being creative. Being creative is therapeutic which means it calms your mind and

The Best Raw Foods For A Candida Diet

A raw food diet can be an ideal approach for overcoming Candida. However, even among some of the prominent leaders in the raw food movement there is a lot of debate about what is the best diet for treating Candida. On the one hand, some raw food experts have the opinion that a high-sugar diet can be an important contributing factor in the development of Candida. They advise adhering to a low glycemic diet that completely eliminates fresh fruit in the primary stages of treatment. While others believe that the true cause of Candida is unrelated to fruit intake but rather occurs when there is an excessive intake of fat. A high fat intake can reduce insulin sensitivity, causing sugars to remain in the blood for a longer time, thus exacerbating an overgrowth of yeast. Everyone is different so a single dietary approach doesn’t work for all people. Some individuals do well on high-fruit regimes, while others still struggle with candida after months or years of following low-fat raw vegan

Instant Pot Pear Sauce

This easy, no-sugar added pear sauce is a great way to use up leftover pears. Plus, there’s no peeling necessary! If you like applesauce, then you’ll love this easy pressure cooker pear sauce. Ingredients Fresh pears Fresh orange or lemon juice Vanilla extract Cinnamon (optional) Top tips The pressure cooker helps make this recipe come… Read More The post Instant Pot Pear Sauce appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition.

How to Use Castor Oil Packs for Liver Support

Have you ever tried a castor oil pack?  I asked this question a few months ago on my Instagram page and got a lot of questions.  Most people had never heard of castor oil packs and expressed interest in learning more about how to use them for liver support. In this post, I am sharing why castor oil packs are so beneficial for the liver (can be used for other things, too!) and how to get started using them. I recommend castor oil packs all the time to my clients. They can be really beneficial for a few things, but the most common reason I suggest them is for gentle liver detox. An overworked liver due to excessive toxins is not a good scenario for healthy hormones or digestion.  And since your hormones and gut are so connected, you can’t work on one without addressing the other. You are always detoxing – not just when you do cleanses (which I am not a fan of, by the way). The best way to support detoxification is to avoid as many toxins as possible in the first place

5 Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss, thinning hair, and male or female pattern baldness are no fun!  It can happen to anyone, at any time, and there are numerous potential causes. If you know me, then you know that I like to investigate the root cause of symptoms and not just manage them.  The same can be said for hair loss. I’ve worked with many clients who have experienced hair loss or thinning hair as a symptom.  Yes – it is a symptom, a sign of something deeper going on.  The downside is that it can take some time and patience to figure out the root cause.  And it can take some time for your hair to start growing back. So what can CAUSE hair loss? 1.  Nutrient deficiencies Poor diet, digestive issues, and low enzyme or stomach acid production can cause nutrient deficiencies in our bodies. It may not simply be enough to take a multivitamin.  If your body can’t properly break down and absorb nutrients from a vitamin, then taking a multivitamin may not do much for you.  So if your experiencing digestive

Avoiding Nutrient Deficiencies on a Raw Vegan Diet

A raw food diet can be a transformational method for assisting the body to eliminate toxins and addressing chronic health concerns that may not respond to traditional medical approaches. One of the reasons why a raw food diet is generally so effective for reducing symptoms related to immunity and digestive challenges is because it eliminates many of the foods that act as inflammatory triggers in the body. While nutritional deficiencies are generally not a concern when following a short-term detox program, it is possible to become deficient in key nutrients if you follow a restrictive plan for more than three to six months, or if you continue to experience poor digestion where you are not able to efficiently extract the nutrients from food to be absorbed. For the most part, those eating a raw vegan diet actually have a higher quality nutritional intake, however there are certain key nutrients that have the potential to become depleted if you aren’t paying close attention. A well-plan

What are the benefits of drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning?

How you start your day sets the tone for the day. One of the best things you can do when you wake up is drink water. The earlier you can get your first litre of water drank the easier the next 2-3 litres will be. Why is drinking water so important? Lets take a look at some reasons why you should make drinking water a focus every morning. Drink 1 litre of water within an hour of waking up & make hitting your water goal easy! The earlier you can get your first litre of water drank the easier the next 2-3 litres will be. We recommend you drink 3-4 litres of water every day while in total food replacement and keep this habit going long after. It will help you maintain your weight and look and feel great. If you can get 1 litre drank as early as you can, it really sets you up for a good day. Water is key to good health, weight loss and weight management. This one simple habit could change your life. Drinking water in the morning makes you feel alert & positive about being

Canada’s Food Guide 2020: Persona Naan Grata | Desi~licious RD

Is the latest version of Canada’s Food Guide culturally inclusive? Canada’s latest Food Guide – a nationwide institution that serves as a reminder to make healthier choices – was released at the beginning of January. The Food Guide remains the most read document produced by the Federal Government. According to research conducted by Angus Reid Global , 34% of citizens have changed their diets after the revised version of last year’s Food Guide was published following a 12-year gap.  Is Canada’s Food Guide Good For Everyone? This year, Canada’s Food Guide was produced after careful research and public consultation in the form of surveys. It certainly is impactful and contains recipes of nutritional value, but ultimately the Food Guide still caters to a Western concept of what a healthy diet looks like.  We can all agree how inclusive and culturally diverse this beautiful country is. However, Canada’s Food Guide is lacking in a variety of ethnic flavours. Apart from a couple of

Chipotle Lime Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Salsa

These easy chipotle shrimp and fresh avocado salsa tacos are full of flavor and perfect for a quick weeknight meal! Plus these tacos are ready in 15 minutes! Fuel your Taco Tuesday cravings with these easy Chipotle Lime Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Salsa! Ingredients Medium-sized shrimp Avocado Tomato Red onion Garlic Chipotle powder Avocado oil… Read More The post Chipotle Lime Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Salsa appeared first on Marisa Moore Nutrition.

Sea Vegetables: A Valuable Addition to a Healthy Vegan Diet

Sea vegetables are not generally a common feature in modern diets, with the exception of certain varieties that are used as thickeners in processed foods, most notably ice cream. However, we can do much to improve our nutrient intake by incorporating these greens from the sea in our diet on a regular basis. While your experience with sea vegetables may be limited to the nori that is used to make sushi rolls, there are actually quite a wide variety of sea vegetables available with a range of different flavors and textures. Evidence of the important role that these foods may play in our diet can be seen in the research of Weston Price. He noticed that native people living in the mountains of the Andes would go to incredible lengths in order to obtain sea vegetables, even by risking their lives to trade with tribes living in the coastal regions. They always carried a small bag of seaweed with them and ate a little of it every day. As with other greens, sea vegetables contain abundant c